Noemi has a lot of life experiences, She is resilient and loves to share her skills in a caring and satisfying manner. Her culinary talent will open many opportunities.
All About Me
My name is Noemi. I was born and raised in East LA. I am currently 22 years old. My parents are immigrant from Puebla, Mexico. When I was 13 years old, my parents split up. During this time I felt scared and powerless, that my picture perfect family was crumbling down and there was nothing I could have done to stop it. When my parents were still together, they were pregnant with my young sister. Due to my mother’s age during her pregnancy, doctors told her of the risk of having the baby. Both disabilities and health risks were possible. Regardless of that risk, my mother took the chance and together we stuck it through. A few days after my sister was born, she got very sick. Her being sick affected my family.
It especially affected my dad, which led him to his drinking problem. He became an alcoholic. We would not see him throughout the entire day. It was hard but my mom finally had had enough and grew the courage to take me and my four siblings to start over new without my dad. My mom has always been a hard worker. When she later started her life again, and became pregnant, she would still continue to work even after giving birth. While she worked, I took the role of taking care of my younger siblings while she provided for us. I took part of the mom role at 18 years old.
At such a young age I matured in an instant. It was tough but one of the best thing that could have happened to me. Many people would disagree but because I cared for my siblings at such a young age I know I will be an amazing mom one day. High school was tough for me. I was never able to go out with friends, and because of that I lost so many friends. I was not able to be young and enjoy myself. I had a responsibility and it took over my young years.
On April 2021, I came across an ad on Instagram promoting “In the Making $1 Blowout sale”. I stopped by with my mom and on our way out I noticed the “Now Hiring” sign in the front. When I saw it, I said to myself, “Why Not?” Within the same week, I began training and soon enough working. Before this, it was hard to find a job. It seemed like every job I would apply to would not call back or would not follow up after the interview. Since working at In The Making, I have been taught lot about working and about myself. ITM has taught me that I’m mentally stronger than I thought and I am not alone, everyone at one point in their life goes through something.
In addition, ITM has pushed me to use all my passions and interest. One of those passions is my love for cooking. I’ve always enjoyed cooking but here at ITM I’ve physically been able to use that skill. I have participated in a program at ITM called Entrée-preneurs. In this program we cook healthy and plant based food to sell at different events held at ITM. Through this, I have improved my cooking skills through the different ingredients and techniques we use. I have also taken lead in making and selling aguas frescas at the Goddess Mercado pop up. Not only have I gained a role with the food portion of the program, but it also influenced my future tremendously. I now hope to one day open and run my own restaurant. Since I took that chance at In the Making, and it has given me an opportunity to work. Without “In the Making”, I wouldn’t know where I would be today.